by: Lightforce Solar
18 May 2023

Lightforce solar knowledge base

Your solar provider

Interested in solar for your home or business?


Power retailers are like clothing, one size does not fit all, or even most! At Lightforce, we are hesitant to suggest one retailer as a blanket rule.


Many different factors can change your power bill:

  • The area you reside.
  • How much energy you use each day and when you consume that energy.
  • Whether you are generating energy on your site or not.
  • Whether you are comfortable signing into a long-term contract or prefer flexibility.
  • If you prefer a 100% renewable energy source or don’t care what energy you are using.


What we suggest:

If you are unphased by where/how your energy is generated then your first step is to check out Powerswitch. This is a Consumer NZ site that provides comparisons between power companies. Powerswitch currently doesn’t have a feature to show Solar credit prices so we suggest getting a top three from their site and calling the power companies directly.


Have a home battery? Or Electric Vehicle (EV)?

Mention this when speaking to your potential power company!


There are more options out there for a free hour of power or “off-peak” power prices which means you can grid-charge your home battery/EV for a fraction of the price of normal power. Utilise it.