Products we use

At Lightforce solar we only use tried & tested products. All our products have long warranties and are made by reputable, industry-leading manufacturers. We adapt our product offering as the industry innovates.

Browse the categories below to get an idea of the exact products that currently make up an iconic Lightforce solar system.

All products are subject to stock availability, the eligibility of your property as determined by our solar consultants, and are not for individual sale.


Solar panels

Converting sunlight into DC (direct current) electricity, built to last decades, the solar panel is the star of the show.

Batteries & Storage

Combine your solar with a battery and you can immediately cut your monthly power and get the most out of your solar system. At Lightforce, we have a range of battery options to power your home at night or even in the event of a power cut.



The solar inverter is the unsung hero of your home solar system. Inverters convert the DC electricity from the solar panels and convert it to AC (alternating current) for use in your home.

At Lightforce, we have a large selection of inverters for all scenarios. Take a look, and ask our expert team any questions you may have.

Monitoring & Analytics

Powering your home from the sun? It’s reasonable to want to see how much power your panels are generating, and how your home uses energy.

Depending on the components of your system, Lightforce has several monitoring and analytics options.


Our commitment

In addition to only using trusted products, and our extensive community projects, we are also on a continual journey of improvement within our business operations. We partner with external organisation EKOS to measure and ensure we’re on a path to a lighter future.

We’re long-term members of the Sustainable Energy Association of New Zealand and the Sustainable Business Network, and we measure and offset our emissions every year.

Some of the brands we use

sungrow logo
trina solar logo
enphase logo
goodwe logo

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