Lightforce solar articles

Lightforce x Nature Baby

by: Lightforce Solar
25 July 2023
Nature Baby and Lightforce team up to power the Grey Lynn store with solar energy, exemplifying their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. continue reading below...

Friday, 25th November 2022, we flicked the switch on the newly installed solar panels that will power the Nature Baby Grey Lynn store with clean emission-reducing energy.

One of the goals at Lightforce is to create a lighter, brighter future, shown by our team installing a number of free solar systems for charities in the past. This new partnership with Nature Baby is another example of that vision in action.

Solar Energy is a reliable product with a typical warranty period of 25 years. Long-term renewable energy sources mean less manufacturing environmental costs and clean energy for ages! Nature Baby’s products are the same where they are made ethically and made to last. Longevity is a form of sustainability.

Lightforce has installed a 12-panel solar system at Nature Baby’s Grey Lynn store and its co-owner Jacob Faull believes the partnership is a great fit.

“We have been growing babies organically since 1998 and use only organic cotton and natural ingredients in all our products. Solar will help reduce our carbon footprint and, at a time when costs are rising across the board for businesses, it will also reduce our energy usage and help us stay competitive.”

To celebrate the partnership, Nature Baby and Lightforce hosted a market day on Black Friday, a day typically linked with over-consumption. At Nature Baby’s Grey Lynn shop alongside other responsible retailers and organisations from the area, Kelmarna Market Gardens handed out free plants. Nature Baby also donated 100% of its profits from sales on the day to the charity For the Love of Bees.

It was encouraging to see the turn-out to the market day showcasing thoughtful consumption whilst supporting locally owned businesses positively impacting their tight-knit communities. /

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